
Special interests are attacking conservation-minded Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Commissioner Jay Tutchton and trying to block his confirmation by the Colorado state senate. Jay is a long-time advocate for wildlife and wild places. Mr. Tutchton was appointed by Governor Polis to serve as the one commission member representing conservation interests required by Colorado law. His voice is one of science and support for a speedy reintroduction of wolves to Colorado!

Anti-predator factions are opposing what should be a straightforward confirmation process. We need you to help with two steps of this process: 1) urge the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee to recommend Tutchton’s confirmation to the full senate and 2) urge the full Colorado senate to confirm him.

Ask your state senator to support Jay Tutchton today!

Here’s how you can help:

1. Call your state senator now and follow up with an email, urging them to vote YES to confirm the CPW commissioner slate, especially Jay Tutchton.

a. If your senator is Senator Donovan, Danielson, or Fields, who are on the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee, please also ask them to vote yes to recommend the CPW Commission slate for confirmation to the full senate.

2. Share this graphic on social media with your fellow Coloradans!

Thank you for acting TODAY to protect Colorado’s wildlife and our democratic processes!

For Wild Nature,

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

Dr. Michelle Lute
National Carnivore Conservation Manager


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