These are turbulent times.
As our main office has been shuttered with the San Francisco Bay area lockdown, we are reminded of what matters:
Community. Compassion. Coexistence.
These “Three C’s” have defined Project Coyote since our inception—and now have heightened significance.
What does it mean to live in community at a time when deep fears and a scarcity mentality define our days? What does compassionate coexistence look like when we are told to maintain a distance of six feet between one another?
As our lives are turned upside down, perhaps this is the time to examine our priorities; what really matters? It is the time to look inward … to find refuge from a world seemingly spinning out of control by centering our strengths and finding our individual balance.
Now is the time to express compassion, gratitude, kindness and goodwill; to express our common humanity—our humane-ness—with each other and with the nonhuman animals who share our planet.
Can we step out of our fear bubbles, expand our circle of compassion, and focus on what brings us together?
Will we rise to the occasion? For yourself and for all others, Be Kind.
As our team regroups and works remotely, we understand more acutely and more deeply what the three C’s mean—Community, Compassion and Coexistence—and we will be sharing our thoughts with you in upcoming newsletters. If your own stories might help us during these difficult weeks and months, please send them along so that we can include them in our missives.
With gratitude for our community,
Camilla & Caleigh & The Project Coyote Pack