
JULY 2016

With this issue of Coyote Chronicles, I’m excited to share the launch of  Project Coyote’s new and improved website with you. The refreshed website has been lovingly designed by our talented Creative Manager Deb Etheredge.
Features include:

  •      Deeper and more timely content
  •      Easier navigation
  •      Nearly 100 additional videos
  •      Our timeline of Key Accomplishments and Events
  •      Improved resources for communities and the media
  •      Comprehensive bio pages

and, introducing…

  • Project Coyote’s original blog, Notes From the Field.

We are dedicating this issue to highlighting distinctive content and custom features that showcase Project Coyote’s achievements, programs and campaigns. Our expanded collection of downloadable resources — including supportive materials for strengthening community coexistence — and an array of action, volunteer and stay-connected opportunities are also on view. The new site emphasizes our work on behalf of North America’s most misunderstood and maligned native carnivores, with a special section that informs visitors about the history, habits, and challenges facing wolves, bears, mountain lions, bobcats, foxes, and, of course, our native Song Dogs who remain our beloved icon — the Coyote.

I hope you’ll take a few moments to follow the links in the newsletter below to explore our new virtual home, which we’ve designed with you, our invaluable supporters, in mind. We welcome your feedback and suggestions, and look forward to continuing our work on all fronts to foster compassionate coexistence.

For the Wild,
Camilla H. Fox
Founder & Executive Director

Expanded Resources

When you visit our resources section you’ll find an expanded range of articles and fact sheets, brochures, and downloadable materials to post in your community or share at events. From predator-friendly ranching information to tips on helping communities coexist with carnivores, we provide a broad range of materials, images and infographics – all available with just a click.


The new layout and design of our Programs section makes it easy to dip in and explore. You can learn why Science and Stewardship lie at the core of our work to improve policy decisions and conditions for carnivores. And you can see how young people, ranchers, urban and rural residents and artists all contribute to our effort to reform predator management through sound science and education.

Notes from the Field


You’ll notice a greater abundance of multimedia throughout the new site, starting with the Media Room containing videos supporting our programs and campaigns and introducing non-lethal predator management practices. We are fortunate to have Advisory Board member Peter Coyote participating in many of these videos, and you can keep an eye out for both short films and longer productions in the months to come.

We are building a powerful image gallery, and providing downloadable resources for the press.  Be sure to check out our podcast audio series, featuring interviews and radio appearances by Project Coyote’s staff, volunteers and advisory board members.

Carnivores We Protect

Why do we protect native carnivores? Because each has intrinsic value, and plays a vital role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. The new site features a special section  on these “keystone species”, which will help to dispel myths and engender the respect and appreciation these species deserve. Did you know that coyotes are generally monogamous, often bonding with partners for a lifetime? Or that gray wolves can run as fast as 43 miles per hour? You can learn why and how by visiting our Carnivores pages and discovering for yourself the profound value these wild animals have to us and our planet as well as each other.

Timeline of Key Accomplishments and Events

Join us on a journey from 2008 to today as we revisit some of the key highlights in our efforts to end the war on wildlife using advocacy, science, education, legislation and more.

Take Action

The Take Action section on the new site is one of the most critical. It is the place to visit if you want to get involved, get educated and stay informed. You’ll find tips for writing Letters to the Editor, and updates on events occurring nationwide. You can also find information on our volunteer program, which has been an outstanding source of support for Project Coyote since its inception.


From the Field

At the Conference: North American Congress for Conservation Biology
Camilla Fox reports in from the North American Congress for Conservation Biology Conference where she has joined members of Project Coyote’s Science Advisory Board who are presenting at the conference.
Read More


Predators as the natural regulators of nature
Learn about the ecological role of apex predators from Project Coyote’s Science Advisory Board member David Parsons.
View here


Lawsuit challenges Monterey County’s contract with federal wildlife-killing program 
The county failed to analyze the environmental impacts of its agreement and wrongfully claimed an exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 
Read more


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You can DONATE, become a SPONSOR or leave a LEGACY GIFT.

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