Free Webinar ~ June 30th @ 1:30pm PT ~ A Critical Evaluation of Legal and Illegal Killing of Native Predators, with Dr. Adrian Treves

Project Coyote Science Advisory Board Member Dr. Adrian Treves founded the Carnivore Coexistence Lab at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research on how to balance human needs with wildlife conservation entails deep exploration of people’s conflicts with large carnivores, with a particular focus on livestock predation in the USA and abroad. This line of inquiry includes livestock husbandry, wildlife management, human and carnivore behavior, and methods for preventing human-carnivore conflicts.

In this free webinar, Adrian will be presenting a critical evaluation of the legal and illegal killing of native predators. Among other topics, he will discuss whether scientific evidence supports the hypothesized benefits of predator-killing policies, and will give a scientific perspective on future policy recommendations.

Following his talk, Adrian will take questions (via Chat) from attendees. The webinar is expected to last approximately one hour.


Date: Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Time: 4:30 PM ET / 3:30 PM CT / 1:30 PM PT

Registration is required ~ please click here to register.

We hope you can join us!





Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director, Project Coyote





John Davis
Executive Director, The Rewilding Institute