Giving Tuesday Now ~ A Special Day

Just look around ~ acts of kindness are everywhere!

#GivingTuesdayNow, planned for May 5, is a global day of thoughtful, compassionate, positive and moral, unified and giving action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; we must become better stewards of our planet and of all lives who coexist upon it. The day will be devoted to generosity, grassroots engagement, philanthropy from businesses and individuals, and support for communities and nonprofits around the world.

While the daily statistics of infection and fatality persist across the country and around the world, we see selfless acts of courage and compassion; we see caring people who do what they can for others. For example, two local residents in our home-base of Mill Valley have set up this website to spread the word about Project Coyote’s version of the “howl-in” phenomenon honoring first responders.

Here at Project Coyote, we are keeping our staff and our community safe by working from home, creating webinars to spread the word about coexistence,  sharing our film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs, testifying at virtual state wildlife commission hearings, and responding to inquiries from the community. Today members of our team are testifying (remotely) before the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission in support of a ban on wildlife killing contests- pushing for Colorado to become the sixth state in the nation to ban this unconscionable practice.

Save the animals ~ help heal the world.

But to stop the abuse and mismanagement of North America’s misunderstood and persecuted wild carnivores, we need your help! Bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions, foxes, wolves, bears, and other carnivores—each animal with his or her own personality, interests, and capacity to suffer—are under siege. Each beleaguered life depends on you, our supportive base, to be their voice.

Your generosity will be a meaningful and effective positive act on May 5th for #GivingTuesdayNow.

And on this Giving Tuesday, Project Coyote will be giving back to one lucky donor!

Our long-time supporter Monte Deignan, who has shared with us dozens of his beautiful photographs such as the one above, will donate one of his incredible wildlife images of a coyote, bobcat, or gray fox (winner’s choice) to be awarded to a Giving Tuesday donor selected at random. (Monte’s photos are featured in our 10-Year Anniversary Commemorative Calendar available here.)

Although many organizations ask for your support (repeatedly and with gifts), we do not squander your donations on mailings or mementos; we assure you that the animals themselves will be the primary beneficiaries of your donations to Project Coyote.

Your donation makes a difference, and we are deeply grateful for your support.

For the Wild Ones,





Camilla H. Fox
Founder & Executive Director