Help Us Confront Cruelty and Promote Compassionate Coexistence

This past year, you helped Project Coyote and our coalition partners achieve so much for wildlife—from banning wildlife killing contests in New Mexico, Arizona and – just this month – in Massachusetts, passing new precedent-setting laws in California that end fur trapping, the fur trade and bobcat trophy hunting. What a year it’s been!

Our work advocating for coyotes, bobcats, bears, wolves, mountain lions, foxes and other maligned, misunderstood and persecuted wild animals in North America demands that minds and hearts move from careless disregard and cruel, indiscriminate actions to thoughtful scientifically-based methods to achieve compassionate coexistence with other sentient beings who share this Earth with us.

With your support, Project Coyote is confronting these issues head-on. In communities across the country, we are actively doing what we do best: using science, education and advocacy to end the vilification of our wild neighbors and to replace brutal, senseless killing with respect. We promulgate laws to protect wildlife; help both rural and urban communities implement lasting solutions to humanely address human-wildlife conflicts; and inspire people to embrace wildlife stewardship for the benefit of the animals, ecosystems, and future generations.

Thanks to you, we made significant advances for wildlife in 2019, including:

  • Co-founding and working with the National Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests aimed at banning wildlife killing contests nationwide. Together we have successfully passed laws banning killing contests in Arizona, Massachusetts, and New Mexico (adding to earlier bans in California and Vermont). Together, these laws will save thousands of animal lives every year.  And, working with local advocates, six county and city councils in Arizona, New Mexico and Wisconsin passed resolutions condemning wildlife killing contests in 2018 and 2019.
  • Raising awareness about wildlife killing contests and mobilizing viewers to end such cruel competitions with screenings of our documentary film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs. The film has been featured in eight film festivals (including Wild & Scenic On Tour and Jackson Hole WILD On Tour), and has won four awards since its release in 2017!
  • Establishing a partnership with the National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA) to educate and train animal control officers (ACOs) to prevent human-coyote conflicts and reduce lethal control measures. ACOs are often ill-equipped to deal with coyote conflicts and too often the result is lethal. Teaching non-lethal methodology saves lives.
  • With our coalition partners, we successfully passed three historic bills in California banning the commercial and recreational trapping of animals for their fur; outlawing the fur trade; and abolishing trophy hunting of bobcats statewide. Together, these new laws will save countless bobcats, coyotes, foxes and other animals from cruelty and senseless death.

As we look ahead to 2020 and beyond, we hope to replicate these successes in other states. This takes resources—and we depend on individual donors and foundations to continue this important work for wildlife. Unlike some other nonprofit organizations, we do not spend donor dollars on acquisition mailings or solicitations. We do not buy or exchange mailing or email lists. We value your privacy; and your contributions are put to work directly for the animals.

If you haven’t already, please help us create a more compassionate world by making a tax-deductible end of year contribution to Project Coyote.

Right now, thanks to three generous donors who offer a $50K matching grant, you can double the impact of every dollar you give to Project Coyote through December 31st. Will you help us reach this goal?

Thank you so much for your dedication and support – and for speaking up for the voiceless.

Camilla H. Fox
Founder & Executive Director

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