HI Residents: Tell your legislators that fur is only fashionable on living animals!

Tell your legislators that fur is only fashionable
on living animals!

Speak up now to support SB 969 and help end
cruel fur farming and trapping!


The Hawaii State Legislature is currently considering SB 969, a bill that would ban the sale of new fur products—and we need your help to get it passed! SB 969 would help shut down the fur farm industry and trapping for pelts, thereby saving countless farmed animals and free-ranging wildlife from agony and death. Because the fur farm industry is linked to the spread of Covid-19 and trapping endangers humans and companion animals, this bill also supports human health and safety.

Here’s how you can help end cruel fur farming & trapping!

  1. Send emails to the two representatives indicated below, using the suggested language and personalizing for greater impact. Please send your emails by Sunday, March 14.
  2. Spread the word by sharing this alert through social media!

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Please remember to keep your emails brief and polite:

To: reptakayama@Capitol.hawaii.gov

Subject: Please support SB 969 

Body of email:

Hello Representative Gregg Takayama:

I am a Hawaii resident writing to you regarding SB 969. First, thank you for previously sponsoring HB 32, the Fur Sales Ban. The version of the bill moving forward is SB 969, and I am requesting that you reach out to Chairman Nakashima and his committee members to schedule a hearing for SB 969 as soon as possible.  This bill is important because it will ban the sale of new fur products in the State of Hawaii and assist in closing down indiscriminate, cruel trapping and the inhumane fur farm industry. 

Thank you,


To: repnakashima@Capitol.hawaii.gov

Subject: Please support SB 969 

Body of email:

Dear Chairman Nakashima:

I am a Hawaii resident writing to you regarding SB 969. First, thank you for previously supporting HB 32, the Fur Sales Ban, in your committee. The version of the bill moving forward is SB 969, and I am requesting that you schedule a hearing for SB 969 in your committee as soon as possible.  This bill is important because it will ban the sale of new fur products in the State of Hawaii and will assist in closing down indiscriminate, cruel trapping and the inhumane fur farm industry.

Thank you,

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Thank you for helping to end fur farming and trapping ~ together we can make the world safer for all life!

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

Michelle Lute, PhD
National Carnivore Conservation Manager