Join Us in the SF Bay Area!

We’re busy these days!

I recently returned from a whirlwind trip to Colorado, where we screened our film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs at the Colorado Environmental Film Festival and at the University of Denver, rallying support for a statewide ban on wildlife killing contests.

Closer to home, our team will soon be joining other dedicated animal advocates in the San Francisco Bay Area for these upcoming events:

Please come meet our team and learn more about America’s amazing Song Dogs ~ and keep checking our website to find out about other events in the SF Bay Area and across the country!

For Compassionate Coexistence,





Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

P.S.: Stay tuned for our upcoming announcement about this year’s FLOAT campaign, featuring a new design and additional color selections!

March 12 in San Francisco


April 2 in San Francisco


April 18 in Oakland


April 23-26 in Point Reyes


June 27 in Martinez