Ecological art exhibit and public wolf discussion
Michigan Tech’s College of Forest Resources and Environmental Sciences and Department of Visual and Performing Arts are excited to announce the multimedia art exhibit, The Spirit of the Hunt, presented in collaboration with Project Coyote.
Nevada has no good reason to continue wildlife-killing contests
It looks like Nevada Department of Wildlife commission is squirming out of a decision on banning wildlife-killing contests in the state, as it signaled in a meeting last week when it polled attendees to see if there was room for compromise on the issue.
Feather River Action! calls for Non-Lethal Predator Defense Program
Feather River Action! calls for Non-Lethal Predator Defense Program to replace USDA Wildlife Services presence as contract comes up for renewal.
MEDIA RELEASE: Wildlife advocates declare victory for wildlife in Mendocino County
Ukiah, CA — Today, wildlife advocates declared victory when the Mendocino Board of Supervisors voted to terminate their contract with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program. Mendocino County, like most western counties, contracted with the federal program to kill native wild animals largely at the behest of ranchers and farmers. This victory comes after nearly a decade of attempts to hold Wildlife Services accountable to the public that funds their lethal activities in the county.
Mendocino County’s Wildlife Needs You!
Urge the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors to End their Contract with Wildlife Services
Carnivores Need Your Help Today!
We have only days left to fund the new Carnivore Conservation Program designed to stand in the path of ruthless killing contests and wolf eradication campaigns raging in multiple states.
Let’s Ban Trapping in NV! Join us for a free webinar Aug. 18
Join Project Coyote, WildEarth Guardians, HSUS and fellow advocates for a free webinar August 18, 2021 at 6pm PT on wildlife trapping in Nevada.
Ethical Wildlife Photography Makes for Better Wildlife Photos
Wildlife fascinated me long before I started photographing it. I am always intrigued by animal behavior: what motivates them, the bonds between them, how they raise their young and how human behavior impacts their survival.
A wolf hunt blew past its kill quota in February. Another hunt is coming this fall.
Wisconsin, increasingly divided between rural and urban views, faces hard, contentious questions of how big its remaining wolf population should be.
Project Coyote Is Hiring!
It’s an exciting time of growth and expansion for Project Coyote with a number of job opportunities we’d like to share. We’re so excited and fortunate to do this work. Will you join us?
The carnage of coyote-killing contests
“We are all interconnected,” said Norm Cavanaugh, a member of the Western Band of the Shoshone Tribe in Nevada and a hunter. “When elders pray, they pray for all our relations as the deer, the coyote, all living beings on mother earth because we are all interconnected. So in that sense the coyote is considered a relation of the native people… No animals are killed just for sport, the elders said.”
Wolf Slaughter Continues ~ Speak Out NOW!
The war on wolves rages on, with July 1 marking the official implementation of SB1211, Idaho’s wolf slaughter bill. Despite growing public awareness, the federal government has yet to intervene on behalf of wolves and their ecosystems. Wolves still need your help ~ please take action today!