Winter 2024
Through strong coalitions, we successfully banned Wildlife Killing Contests banned in NY and petitioned USDA to reform Wildlife Services. We also welcomed several new team members this winter and were humbled by another succesfull end of year matching gift campaign to fund our work for wild carnivores!
Witnessing Wolves: The Fight for Their Future in Montana by Renee Seacor
Witnessing Wolves: The Fight for Their Future in Montana By Renee Seacor, Project Coyote Carnivore Conservation Director On Christmas day, a wolf strayed beyond Yellowstone National Park’s invisible northern boundary and was shot dead. My heart sank, wondering if it...
Media Release | Gov. Hochul signs historic bill to end wildlife killing contests
Today Gov. Kathy Hochul signed critical legislation ending wildlife killing contests for coyotes, foxes, bobcats, squirrels, raccoons, crows and other species in New York. New York is the tenth state to end these gruesome competitions after Oregon took action to do so in September.
Montana Residents: Speak up in Defense of Montana’s Wolves
Join us in urging Montana FWP to finalize a plan grounded in science and ethical coexistence.
Media Release | Bureau of Land Management Bans Use of Cyanide Bombs
Project Coyote welcomed a decision announced on November 22nd by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that will stop the use of M-44 devices – also known as cyanide bombs – on 245 million acres of BLM managed lands.
Media Release | Legal Petition Urges USDA to Adopt Comprehensive Regulatory Framework for Wildlife Services Program
Project Coyote, alongside coalition allies, submitted a petition for rulemaking to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA), urging the agency for a comprehensive regulatory framework to govern the Wildlife Services program to ensure consistency with all relevant laws and policies.
Interview with Wildlife Advocate & Photographer Mark Surls
Interview with Wildlife Advocate & Photographer Mark Surls With Camilla Fox, Founder & Executive Director, & Mark Surls, Wildlife Advocate & Photographer Camilla: Thank you for your time, Mark, and for all your contributions to Project Coyote and our...
Texas Residents: Galveston’s Unique Canids Need Your Voice
Canids on Galveston Island, Texas could hold the key to the recovery of critically endangered red wolves with recent research reporting high levels of red wolf ancestry in these individuals. Take action to protect them.
Demand a Scientific and Ethical Wisconsin Wolf Plan
Demand a Scientific and Ethical Wisconsin Wolf PlanSign up before October 19th to advocate for Wisconsin’s Wolves On October 25th, the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board (WNRB) will be voting to approve the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources revised Wolf...
A Journey to Coexistence by Lindsay Hoppestad
A Journey to Coexistence By Lindsay Hoppestad, Project Coyote Programs & Campaigns Intern I grew up with the clickety-clack of dog nails on the floor and the soothing motorboat pur from a cat snuggled in my lap. I was that kid who wrote stories about adventures...
Fall 2023
It’s been a very busy season for us at Project Coyote. From Oregon to New York to Illinois, our team has been working hard to ban Wildlife Killing Contests with recent coalition victories in both Oregon and New York and active campaigns in several other states to ban this barbaric practice.
Illinois Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests Statewide!
Join us in urging your state legislators to ban wildlife killing contests held throughout Illinois and support HB2900.