
Become a Song Dog Supporter and receive a membership bonus!*

Your tax-deductible contribution will be applied where most urgently needed in support of our work to change laws and policies to protect native carnivores from abuse and mismanagement and to advocate for coexistence instead of killing. A minimum donation of $100 is required for a membership bonus except for the face masks, which require a minimum donation of $25.


  • Donate by credit card
  • Donate via PayPal
    (The face mask option does not yet appear in the PayPal portal. If you are donating via PayPal and would like a face mask as a membership bonus, please call our office at 415.945.3232.)

For face mask orders, please indicate your top two styles in your size in the comments field when ordering. If you are between sizes, we suggest your order up. If you don’t see your style/size, we will post when more are available.

For baseball cap orders, please indicate color in the Comments field when ordering.

*One membership bonus per donation. Shipping may be delayed due to COVID.

Choose from wildife face masks, branded baseball caps, signed books, or a subscription to Earth Island Journal.

Coyote Mask

$25 (or more)

Available in medium, large and extra-large sizes for adults. See sizing information below.

Bear Mask

$25 (or more)

Available in medium and large sizes for adults. See sizing information below.

Bobcat Mask

$25 (or more)

Available in medium and large sizes for adults. See sizing information below.

Baseball Cap

$100 (or more)

Receive an adjustable Project Coyote stonewashed baseball cap, embroidered with our full-color logo on the front and Project Coyote’s web address on the back. Color selection: Red, Olive, Khaki, Navy Blue, Royal Blue.

Cougar Mask

$25 (or more)

Available in medium, large and extra-large sizes for adults. See sizing information below.

Fox Mask

$25 (or more)

Available in medium and large sizes for adults. See sizing information below.

Wolf Mask

$25 (or more)

Available in medium, large and extra-large sizes for adults. See sizing information below.

Coyotes in Our Midst

$100 (or more)

Receive a signed copy of the book Coyotes in Our Midst, co-authored by Project Coyote Executive Director & Founder Camilla H. Fox (for more info about the book, click here).

Cull of the Wild

$100 (or more)

Receive a signed copy of the book Cull of the Wild: A Contemporary Analysis of Trapping in the United States co-edited by Project Coyote Executive Director & Founder Camilla H. Fox.

Coyote America ~ A Natural and Supernatural History - SOLD OUT

$100 (or more)

Receive a signed copy of the New York Times best-seller, Coyote America: A Natural and Supernatural History by writer, historian and Project Coyote Ambassador Dan Flores.


Earth Island Journal

$100 (or more)

Receive a one-year subscription to the award-winning Earth Island Journal (the magazine of Project Coyote’s sponsor, Earth Island Institute).

Face Masks Sizing Information


Medium: 5.9 – 6.6 inches
Large: 6.7 – 7.4 inches
Extra Large: 7.5 – 8.2 inches


Medium: 4.9 – 4.9 inches
Large: 5.5 – 5.5 inches
Extra Large: 6.1 – 6.1 inches

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