Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery ~ Update

As we noted in our May 14 Action Alert, a federal court ordered the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) to revise their first revision of the Section 10(j) management rule regarding Mexican gray wolf recovery, and to address the multiple deficiencies identified in the final Court Order by May 2021. We are tremendously grateful to all who took the time to submit comments during the public comment period.

The extensive comments submitted collectively by Project Coyote and The Rewilding Institute, and authored by Project Coyote Science Advisory Board member and former USFWS Mexican Wolf Recovery Coordinator David Parsons, were endorsed by over 100 scientists—read them in their entirety here.

In a press release announcing the incredible deluge of comments (over 40,000!) submitted—largely in support of wolf recovery—Parsons stated, “The Federal Court found the current Mexican wolf management rule both legally and scientifically flawed. The Court Order specifically identifies many deficiencies in the rule that must be remedied such that the revised rule will improve the Lobos’ genetic health and lead to their full recovery. Astonishingly, the USFWS has already officially announced that they plan to ignore key requirements ordered by the Court, leaving Mexican wolves in danger of extinction.” (You can learn more about this issue in Dave’s recent Notes from the Field and view a replay of the related webinar here.)

We will be following this issue closely and will continue to push for full recovery of these critically endangered “lobos.”

Thank you for your support of the wild ones.





Camilla H. Fox
Founder & Executive Director, Project Coyote