
New York Residents: We Need Your Help AGAIN to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests Statewide!

Contact the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee members and ask them to support S4099/A2917

With your help, the bill to ban wildlife killing contests in New York (A2917) passed out of the Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee! Now S4099 will be heard by the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and Committee members need to hear from YOU why this important bill must pass this session.  

Together, we can move this bill across the finish line and end wildlife killing contests in your state! Use your voice today to stop these cruel and ecologically destructive contests.

Committee members must hear from their constituents that these contests have no place in New York. Wildlife killing contests violate science-based wildlife management principles, promote the indiscriminate killing of wildlife, and award cash and other prizes to the individuals who kill the most, largest or even smallest animals.

Urge the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee to stop these cruel and ecologically destructive contests from continuing by voting in support of S4099 on Tuesday (5/23)!

Here’s how to help:

  1. Please email Senate Environmental Conservation Committee members today and ask them to pass S4099 out of committee! Craft your comments using these talking points and please be respectful. 
  2. Spread the word! Share this alert with other New York residents and encourage them to take action ASAP.

Please share this action alert with other New York residents!

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