NM Residents: UPDATE! Protect New Mexico’s Public Lands from Traps & Poisons!

Update on SB32 to Ban Traps & Poisons
on Public Lands!

The bill will be heard this Sunday, March 14, at 9am MT ~ speak up now to get SB32 ~ aka Roxy’s Law ~ across the finish line!

It’s a dynamic time in the New Mexico State Legislature, which is currently considering SB32 to ban traps and poisons on New Mexico’s public lands. The fast-moving proceedings compel us to update our recent email to advise you that the bill will be heard this Sunday, March 14, in the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee (HEENRC).

We need you to call and email the committee representatives listed below to help to get SB 32 passed!

In the long history of our efforts to get this bill passed, we’ve made it further this year than ever before. We’re very close to a momentous victory!

Here’s how you can help end cruel trapping & poisoning!

    1. Call and email all the members of HEENRC today, urging them to support Roxy’s Law, using the email list and talking points below ~ and please personalize for greater impact.
    2. Ask your friends and family in New Mexico to contact the committee by sharing through social media this alert and this gut-wrenching video showing the first-hand experience of rescuing a coyote from a cruel leghold trap! (Warning: video contains graphic imagery.)
    3. If you want to listen to the HEENRC hearing THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 14, at 9am MT:

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Email Addresses for HEENRC Members:

Representative Debra M. Sariñana – (505) 986-4438 – debbie.sarinana@nmlegis.gov

Representative Meredith A. Dixon – (505) 986-4210 – meredith.dixon@nmlegis.gov

Representative Matthew McQueen – (505) 986-4423 – matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov

Representative Kristina Ortez – (505) 986-4254 – kristina.ortez@nmlegis.gov

Representative Melanie A. Stansbury – (505) 986-4432 – melanie.stansbury@nmlegis.gov

Representative Christine Chandler – (505) 986-4242 – christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov

Representative Joanne J. Ferrary – (505) 986-4438 – joanne.ferrary@nmlegis.gov

Representative Rod Montoya – (505) 986-4757 – roddmontoya@gmail.com

Representative Larry R. Scott – (505) 986-4450 – larry.scott@nmlegis.gov

Representative James R.J. Strickler – (505) 986-4220 – jamesstrickler@msn.com

Representative James G. Townsend – (505) 986-4758 – townsend@pvtn.net


To make things easier, you can copy and paste all the addresses into one email:

debbie.sarinana@nmlegis.gov, meredith.dixon@nmlegis.gov, matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov, kristina.ortez@nmlegis.gov, melanie.stansbury@nmlegis.gov, christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov, joanne.ferrary@nmlegis.gov, roddmontoya@gmail.com, larry.scott@nmlegis.gov,  jamesstrickler@msn.com, townsend@pvtn.net

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Talking points ~ and please remember to be polite, respectful, state that you are a New Mexico resident, and personalize these talking points for greater impact:

  • SB32 would protect wildlife, humans, working dogs and companion animals from leghold traps, body-crushing Conibear traps, neck snares and M-44 sodium cyanide bombs, and save countless animals from suffering excruciating pain and death.
  • Science does not support trapping (or poisoning) as a legitimate means of wildlife management. Modern wildlife management uses effective nonlethal tools to protect wildlife and livestock. (For more details, review Project Coyote’s letter in support of Roxy’s Law signed by leading wildlife scientists that sets forth the relevant science and value-based arguments against trapping.)
  • More than 80 countries and several states, including our neighbors AZ and CO, have banned leghold traps because of their inherent cruelty and indiscriminate danger to non-target animals.
  • During New Mexico’s current trapping season, 14 traumatic incidents have occurred where non-target animals (people’s family dogs and endangered wolves) have been caught and maimed in traps.
  • This isn’t an emotional issue; it is a commonsense issue. Children have been exposed to and almost died from poisons like M-44 sodium cyanide bombs. They are scattered across our public lands like land mines. Untold numbers of dogs and imperilled wildlife have died from poisons.

Thank you for helping end trapping and poisoning
on New Mexico’s public lands!

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

Dr. Michelle Lute
National Carnivore Conservation Manager