
With your help, legislation to end cruel coyote killing contests has reached the Oregon State Senate as HB 2728. This bill would protect countless coyotes from being killed for prizes or monetary awards.

Many have already spoken up in support of HB 2728, and we are so grateful for your continued support. But we can’t give up now ~ we still need your voices!

Here’s how you can help:

Ask your state senator to support HB 2728 today!

The Senate Committee On Energy and Environment will vote on this bill soon but we need to pressure all senators to move this bill forward, so please:

    1. Call your state senator now and follow up with an email, urging them to vote YES on HB 2728 and using the talking points below.
    2. Share this graphic on social media with your fellow Oregonians!

Talking Points:

This legislation (HB 2728) will prevent a small minority of the population from recklessly slaughtering coyotes.

  • Hunter and former Chairman of the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission Mike Finley has condemned wildlife killing contests (read his Op-Ed here).
  • Killing contests are a bloodsport like dogfighting and cockfighting.
  • Killing contests damage the reputation of responsible hunters by violating fundamental hunting ethics.
  • Seven states (AZ, CA, CO, MA, NM, VT, WA) have enacted bans against wildlife killing contests.
  • There is no scientific evidence that indiscriminately killing coyotes effectively reduces their populations, increases populations of game animals like deer, or protects livestock.
  • Coyotes play an important ecological role in healthy ecosystems by controlling rabbits and rodents, cleaning up animal carcasses, and increasing biodiversity.
  • This bill is not a ban on hunting and does not impact other laws related to hunting or fishing.
  • Oregon’s wildlife is managed in trust for all Oregonians and recent polling shows the majority of Oregon voters support this bill.

Thank you for acting TODAY to protect Oregon’s coyotes!

For Wild Nature,

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

Dr. Michelle Lute
National Carnivore Conservation Manager


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