OR Residents ~ Help Pass HB 4075 to Ban Coyote Killing Contests!

Last year, thanks to your support, the bill to ban cruel and ecologically destructive coyote killing contests in Oregon passed the State Senate — unfortunately, it failed to pass in the House. But we have a second chance! We need your help TODAY to PASS HB 4075 to ban coyote killing contests in Oregon once and for all.


This just in: The bill will be considered by the House Natural Resources Committee at 3 pm TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11.


Five states have already outlawed wildlife killing contests — let’s make Oregon the sixth!


Contact the House Natural Resources Committee NOW ~ Speak up for the voiceless coyotes who need your help.


Email the committee at hnr.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov or click on the button below.



We urge Oregon state lawmakers to follow in the footsteps of public officials and wildlife agencies in New Mexico, Arizona, Massachusetts, California, and Vermont who have already banned wildlife and/or coyote killing contests by passing HB 4075.