MEDIA RELEASE: Wildlife advocates declare victory for wildlife in Mendocino County

MEDIA RELEASE: Wildlife advocates declare victory for wildlife in Mendocino County

Ukiah, CA — Today, wildlife advocates declared victory when the Mendocino Board of Supervisors voted to terminate their contract with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program. Mendocino County, like most western counties, contracted with the federal program to kill native wild animals largely at the behest of ranchers and farmers. This victory comes after nearly a decade of attempts to hold Wildlife Services accountable to the public that funds their lethal activities in the county.

Mendocino’s Wildlife Needs You!

Mendocino’s Wildlife Needs You!

Project Coyote and allies have been working for years to help usher Mendocino County into modern wildlife conservation by terminating their long-standing relationship with the rogue U.S. Department of Agriculture program misnamed “Wildlife Services.” In fact, Wildlife Services doesn’t serve wildlife—it serves ranching and agricultural interests. In 2020, California Wildlife Services killed 24,264 wild native animals including 56 black bears, 39 mountain lions ~ and 3,252 coyotes!