Media Alert: Residents Urged to Oppose Killing of Wildlife in Mendocino County

Media Alert: Residents Urged to Oppose Killing of Wildlife in Mendocino County

Ukiah, CA – The Mendocino Non-lethal Wildlife Alliance (MNWA) and Project Coyote urge Mendocino County residents to virtually attend the July 14th County Board of Supervisors meeting via the tele-meeting option and express their strong opposition to the County’s likely renewal of their $170,000 contract with USDA Wildlife Services. Those who are unable to attend the meeting on the 14th are encouraged to urge their Supervisor to oppose the renewal of the contract. Residents are also encouraged to sign a related petition urging the Board to end their contract with Wildlife Services at this link: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/842/567/041/stop-the-killing-now/#published

Letters: Taxpayers should not pay for lethal wildlife option

Letters: Taxpayers should not pay for lethal wildlife option

A key piece of information is missing from the March 7, front page article in the Ukiah Daily Journal entitled “Non-lethal Wildlife Option Explored.” It’s laudable that the Board of Supervisors is investigating non-lethal means when it comes to wildlife/human conflicts. But the Board’s current proposal is to have taxpayers continue to foot the $170,000 bill for the County to contract with USDA Wildlife Services to kill thousands of wild animals annually, using neck snares and other brutal killing methods that have been proven to be wildly ineffective and even counterproductive in protecting livestock.