Ultra-lethal ‘Cyanide Bombs’ Used To Kill Public Wildlife Banned For Now In Wyoming

Ultra-lethal ‘Cyanide Bombs’ Used To Kill Public Wildlife Banned For Now In Wyoming

Most Americans are probably unfamiliar with the federal government’s taxpayer-subsidized killing campaign carried out every year against public wildlife on public lands, most of them located in the West. Most are probably unaware that their hard-earned money, paid in taxes to Uncle Sam, helps to operate a federal agency known as Wildlife Services, a branch of the US Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

ACT NOW to End Lethal Control of Wildlife In Mendocino County!

ACT NOW to End Lethal Control of Wildlife In Mendocino County!

For decades, USDA Wildlife Services (“Wildlife Services”) government agents trapped, shot, and killed hundreds of bears, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, mountain lions and other wildlife in Mendocino – and inadvertently killed non-target species, including imperiled wildlife and beloved pets, in the process. The County used taxpayer dollars to pay for their lethal wildlife management program, often on behalf of commercial agricultural interests.

Lawsuit Targets Trump Wildlife-killing Program in 10 California Counties

Coalition Urges Humboldt County to Void Illegal Lethal Contract with Federal Wildlife-Killing Agency

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, a coalition of animal protection and conservation groups sent a letter to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors and Humboldt County Agriculture Commissioner, urging them to terminate their contract with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services (“Wildlife Services”). The federal wildlife-killing agency’s methods are unnecessarily cruel, and the Humboldt County contract violates state law. The coalition, led by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, includes the Animal Welfare Institute, the Center for Biological Diversity, the Mountain Lion Foundation, Project Coyote, and WildEarth Guardians.

MEDIA RELEASE: Dewey-Humboldt, AZ Town Council Condemns Wildlife Killing Contests

MEDIA RELEASE: Dewey-Humboldt, AZ Town Council Condemns Wildlife Killing Contests

DEWEY-HUMBOLDT, Ariz. — At the urging of Arizona citizens and local, state and national wildlife and animal protection organizations, the Dewey-Humboldt Town Council voted 4 to 2 last week in favor of a resolution that opposes wildlife killing contests. In these cruel events, participants compete for fun and prizes by killing the greatest number or the heaviest of the target species.