Another California County Suspends Contract With Federal Wildlife-killing Program

Another California County Suspends Contract With Federal Wildlife-killing Program

YREKA, Calif.  — Responding to legal pressure from a coalition of animal-protection and conservation groups, Siskiyou County officials have announced the suspension of its contract with the notorious federal wildlife-killing program known as Wildlife Services, part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The program has killed more than 28,000 animals in the county over the past decade.

‘Big Victory’: Fed. Gov’s ‘Cruel’ Wildlife Killing Program Stopped in Court Again, This Time in NorCal

‘Big Victory’: Fed. Gov’s ‘Cruel’ Wildlife Killing Program Stopped in Court Again, This Time in NorCal

San Francisco, California — Wildlife Services — from the sound of it, one might think it’s a program that would be supportive or in “service” to wildlife. But environmental and conservation groups say the century-old agency is anything but helpful to animals — especially if you happen to be a bear, wolf, mountain lion, bobcat, coyote or other predatory mammal.