TORRANCE, Calif. – In the wake of the City of Torrance’s commencement of the trapping and killing of coyotes, Project Coyote denounces the indiscriminate killing of wildlife, including the use of cruel snare traps.

The hiring of Critter Busters to snare and kill coyotes, at an undisclosed amount to taxpayers, was confirmed by Torrance City Manager, LeRoy Jackson.

“Indiscriminate trapping, such as neck snares are not only cruel, but can also kill ‘non-target’ animals such as family pets and other local wildlife, states Randi Feilich, Southern California Representative for Project Coyote. “Animals caught in snares slowly suffocate or endure painful injuries often leaving orphans to starve.”

In addition, scientific research shows that trapping coyotes does not work. Coyote populations quickly bounce back even when as many as 70% of their numbers are removed because the remaining animals breed at an earlier age and have larger litters. Since California State law prohibits trapped wildlife from being relocated they are killed when the trapper returns to check the snares.

Project Coyote believes the City of Torrance should adopt a Coyote Management Plan, like the model plan that Calabasas, CA adopted which emphasizes community involvement instead of killing. “Public education and the reduction of wildlife attractants are effective methods of discouraging coyotes”, states Feilich. “Residents should remove outdoor pet food, not feed wildlife, pick up fallen fruit, and secure garbage cans. Moreover, because coyotes are naturally shy animals who are easily frightened, humane methods of control can be as simple as scaring them away, installing motion detector lights, and removing all attractants.”

At the upcoming Torrance City Council meeting on June 14th Feilich will provide information about ways that Project Coyote is assisting communities throughout North America through its Coyote Friendly Communities™ Program educating and equipping urban and rural audiences with the tools, resources, and expertise needed to foster coexistence. “The keys to coexistence are education, communication, science, and behavior modification,” said Feilich.

When: Tues. June 14th, 7pm
More info.: (Agenda to be posted Thursday June 9th)