Project Coyote’s 10th Anniversary Gala Is On Hold …

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Project Coyote has made the difficult decision to postpone our 10-year anniversary gala celebration previously scheduled for October 27th. We aim to hold our event next Spring, and are hopeful that by that time we will have even more reasons to celebrate.

Our team is immensely grateful to our hosts at Durell Vineyard for their ongoing support, flexibility, and generous offerings of fabulous Dunstan Wines.

For those who have purchased tickets, we extend our huge THANKS and hope that you are not too inconvenienced. We will be refunding your ticket costs promptly.

A heartfelt thanks also to our supporters who made a donation to Project Coyote in lieu of tickets, as well as to those who have donated fabulous items for our auctions. Rest assured that the donated items will be made available at live and silent auctions (including an online auction) at our rescheduled party – so please stay tuned for more information!

In solidarity for wild nature,

Camilla H. Fox
Founder & Executive Director