Project Coyote’s FLOAT Campaign Launches TODAY ~ Help us End Wildlife Killing Contests!

Project Coyote and our coalition partners continue to make progress in our campaign to ban wildlife killing contests across the country. Just this year, Colorado and Washington joined Arizona, California, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and Vermont in banning these cruel and inhumane contests. Efforts are currently underway in other states and at the federal level to end killing contests nationwide.

We are doing everything we can to raise public awareness about these contests. Our film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs shines a light on these shadowy contests that most people don’t even know exist. We are inspiring and promoting grassroots action to end wildlife killing contests (WKCs) through legislation, regulatory reform, and litigation; supporting efforts by organizations and individuals to prohibit and end WKCs nationwide, at every jurisdictional level; advocating for responsible, humane, and ecologically sound wildlife management practices, focused on coexistence and scientifically credible non-lethal methods of conflict resolution; and promoting dialogue with WKC sponsors to encourage them to stop supporting these events, and to view wildlife as essential components of healthy ecosystems rather than as pests, vermin, or targets in competitive killing contests.

And today we launch our 2020 campaign to further help spread the word about how WKCs disrupt ecological function and health, degrade the value of individual animals, teach disrespect for wildlife, and inflict and promote cruelty to animals.

Show your support by purchasing these limited-edition items—including a selection of T-shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts—knowing that for every item you order, Project Coyote will receive $8.00 that will support our national campaign to end wildlife killing contests.

The FLOAT campaign runs for one week only—from 9:00 am MT today through 9:00 am MT on September 28. Don’t lose out on this opportunity to help educate the public about these barbaric events—together we can build support and end them once and for all. You can wear your swag proudly ~ and these items also make great gifts!

Thank you for your support!

Camilla Fox & the Project Coyote Pack