Protect America's


America's wolves are under intense persecution

Despite occupying only 15% of their historic range pre-European settlement, wolves are under significant threat across the U.S.—from egregious hunting and trapping practices when delisted from the Endangered Species Act (ESA), to relentless poaching and poisoning even when protected by the ESA.

Without intervention, the continued slaughter of wolves will not only imperil their survival as a species but also impact bio-diverse ecosystems that depend on wolves for ecological health. This fight is about not only changing laws at the state and federal levels, but also addressing human behaviors, public attitudes, deeply held worldviews, and cultural values.

Our Solution

Project Coyote’s Protect America’s Wolves campaign promotes a new model of human-wolf coexistence. We envision a North American landscape where:

  • wolves are valued for their intrinsic worth and contributions to our multispecies community;
  • human communities care for, respect and coexist peacefully with wolves;
  • individual wolves are safe from persecution, killing and other inhumane practices and policies;
  • wolf populations are allowed to flourish and contribute their ecological services as apex predators;
  • and wolves are allowed the freedom to recolonize suitable habitats.


Our on-the-ground work to protect the nation’s wolves ranges from the northeast, where we remain at the forefront of efforts to facilitate wolf recovery in the region, to the northern Rockies, where wolves remain federally delisted and highly persecuted, to the midwest, where we’ve challenged the region’s regressive wolf management plans that threaten full species recovery, and to the southwest where federal plans to recover the critically endangered Mexican gray wolf remain inadequate.


Join us in urging Congress not to delist wolves from the Endangered Species Act

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Regional Campaigns

We work with regional coalitions to protect wolves and promote their recovery across their historic range. Project Coyote currently co-leads the Northeast Wolf Recovery Alliance and advocates for wildlife policy reform to protect and promote the natural recolonization of wolves in the region.

State Campaigns

We work to protect individual wolves and their populations from egregious hunting and trapping policies at the state-level. We review and offer public comments on wolf management plans and wage lawsuits whenever necessary. Our current work includes an ongoing lawsuit against the state of Montana over their wolf hunting and trapping policies.

Federal Campaign

We work in national coalitions to advocate for relisting all wolves under the Endangered Species Act and for federal legislation that protects them from cruelty and persecution on public lands. Together with coalition members, Project Coyote launched a lawsuit in 2024 against the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over their decision to not relist Northern Rocky Mountain wolves.

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Wild carnivores are among the most persecuted, and ecologically vital, animals. They need your help.


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