Speaking Out for Wildlife

I’m thrilled and honored to share that we just learned that our film KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs won a prestigious award at the 2018 Wildlife Conservation Film Festival in New York City! Our hard-hitting exposé, which reveals the shadowy and brutal world of wildlife killing contests, won Best Documentary in the “Wildlife Crimes” division. Following a screening of our film at the Festival on Friday, October 19th, I will speak about how Project Coyote and our growing National Coalition to End Wildlife Killing Contests is working hard to end the bloodsport nationwide. Buy your tickets here.

Prior to speaking at the film festival in New York I will be presenting at the Animal Grantmakers Annual Conference in Boston–sharing our work on wildlife killing contests and other key programs and campaigns. After New York I’ll head to Oklahoma City where I will speak at The ANIMAL 2018 Conference: A Forum of Ideas, Impact, and Inspiration (register here).

We encourage you to attend a screening of KILLING GAMES near you. The film will be shown at the following locations in October and November: the Animal Film Festival On Tour (San Francisco, CA, October 24); the Rome International Film Festival (Rome, GA, November 2); the Great Lakes Environmental Film Festival (Milwaukee, WI, November 7); Our Vanishing Future (Madison, WI, November 9); and the Wild and Scenic Film Festival on Tour (Reno, NV, November 9).

As I travel around the country rallying support for our mission of compassionate conservation and coexistence with wildlife, I am reminded of the importance of this midterm election for animals and the planet. Putting like-minded people into office is key to enacting wildlife protection laws that end wildlife killing contests, the poisoning of wildlife, trapping on public lands, and so much more. Please get out and vote and encourage your coworkers, friends and family to do so. It’s a critical time for our nation and we must all step up to speak for the voiceless. 

Thank you for your unwavering support,

Camilla Fox
Founder & Executive Director

P.S.:  Our team was active in venues across the country this weekend to promote Project Coyote’s mission and work for wildlife. I’m sharing this photo of our team at the WCN Expo in San Francisco where we joined with other conservation organizations to reach out to the public at this very important time.