MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. There are many ways to take action on behalf of wildlife. You can submit comments, write letters or join us at a hearing. To learn more about what to expect at hearings, and to hear what other supporters of wildlife have to say, view our videos. Bookmark or visit this page regularly. You can also join Project Coyote’s E-Team to receive breaking email alerts for actions you can take to protect our native carnivores.
Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests Across America!
Contact your U.S. Representative to ask them to support and co-sponsor HR 7398 to ban wildlife killing contests on public lands!
Protect Mexican Gray Wolves: Speak Up By May 16
Speak up before May 16 to comment on the Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Plan!
Vote in the Wisconsin Conservation Congress’ 2022 Spring Hearing!
Support resolutions banning wildlife killing contests and promoting coexistence by Monday, April 14!
End the Killing of Black Bears in California
The California grizzly was hunted to extinction nearly a century ago. Now, the state is failing to protect California black bears from hunting, despite bear killing being unethical and relying on dubious claims about the health of the population.
Your Voice Needed NOW: Protect Arizona’s Imperiled Mexican Gray Wolves!
Protect Arizona's Imperiled Mexican Gray Wolves! Speak up by March 30 to oppose HB 2181 The Arizona Legislature is rapidly advacing House Bill 2181, which would strip state wildlife officials of their authority to stop the killing of Mexican gray wolves in certain...
Protect Arizona’s Imperiled Mexican Gray Wolves!
The Arizona Legislature is considering HB2181, which would strip state wildlife officials of their authority to stop the killing of Mexican gray wolves in certain circumstances.
Protect Washington’s Black Bears
In 2021, we successfully defeated a proposed spring bear hunt. Now, the Washington Fish & Wildlife Commission is voting on a new proposed rule that would establish a permanent spring bear hunt.
Help End the Killing of Black Bears in California
The situation for black bears in California is dire. Sign our coalition’s petition in support of ending black bear hunting.
Participate in the Wisconsin Conservation Congress
Participate in the Wisconsin Conservation Congress in 2022! Help submit citizen resolutions banning coyote killing contests and promoting coexistence with wildlife by Friday, March 11th The Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) is a state-funded organization that...
Protect Vermont’s Wildlife!
The Vermont State Legislature is currently considering a bill, S.281, that would ban the barbaric practice of abusing hounds to chase and kill coyotes—and we need your help to get it passed!
URGENT: Your Voice Needed To Protect Wildlife In Virginia!
Let legislators know that you support banning wildlife killing contests and steel-jaw traps!
Michigan’s Wolves Need Your Help!
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is updating their 2015 Wolf Management Plan. This is an opportunity to speak up for wolves in Michigan and shape the DNR’s wolf management plan for the future protection of wolves.