

June 28, 2016
Torrance, CA — Project Coyote has learned that the City of Torrance hired a private trapping firm called “Critter Busters” to commence coyote trapping this week in the Madrona Marsh Preserve. The City has engaged with the trappers in an effort to reduce the area’s coyote population after some vocal residents complained about the presence of this native California species.

Project Coyote denounces the indiscriminate killing of wildlife using cruel and inhumane practices such as neck snares, and recently argued before the Torrance City Council that such efforts are generally futile for population control as science shows coyote numbers will quickly rebound to the biological carrying capacity of a given area. Project Coyote offered its services free of charge to help Torrance adopt a long-term, proactive approach to living with coyotes as other communities including Calabasas, San Francisco, and Marin County have successfully done.

Furthermore, trapping undermines the critical ecological role coyotes play in helping to keep rodent populations in check. Trapping in the Preserve violates the newly adopted Torrance Coyote Management Plan and the intent of the Madrona Marsh General Management Plan. The Preserve falls under “Active Co-Existence” in Appendix A of the City’s Coyote Management Plan. “What makes this additionally unconscionable, is that traps are being set in a nature preserve where wild animals have been protected and consider it their safe home,” said Randi Feilich, Southern California Representative of Project Coyote. “Madrona Marsh Preserve is a vital wildlife corridor and no place for cruel snare trapping of coyotes and their pups,” Feilich added.

“The Friends of Madrona Marsh support community outreach programs which result in coexistence through education and hazing — not killing coyotes,” stated Suzan Hubert, a volunteer at Friends of Madrona Marsh. “If the community learns about living with coyotes and also learns how to teach coyotes to coexist with us through appropriate hazing techniques, we can live together peacefully. It is a life style change like learning to wear seat belts and bicycle helmets. It’s something to get use to.”

While the City of Torrance spends taxpayer dollars to trap and kill coyotes, the City of Los Angeles is considering adoption of coyote management plan that advocates proactive public education and effective behavioral modifications to reduce conflicts between people, pets and coyotes. Feilich and other wildlife advocates will speak before the Personnel & Animal Welfare (PAW) Committee on Wednesday morning in support of the plan. More information:

When: June 29th, 9am
Where:  ROOM 1010, CITY HALL
More info: here

Project Coyote is a national non-profit organization, comprised of a coalition of scientists, educators, ranchers and citizen leaders promoting compassionate conservation and coexistence between people and wildlife through education, science and advocacy. We work to change laws and policies to protect native carnivores from abuse and mismanagement, advocating coexistence instead of killing. We seek to change negative attitudes toward coyotes, wolves and other misunderstood predators by replacing ignorance and fear with understanding, respect and appreciation.


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