Two More Weeks to Double Your Impact!

Today the California Fish & Game Commission is meeting to consider, among other agenda items, listing the state’s imperiled mountain lions under the California Endangered Species Act. Our team will be attending (virtually) to present testimony in support of this critical petition.

On the other side of the country, Chris Schadler—Project Coyote New Hampshire and Vermont Representative, wild canid ecologist, and co-founder of the New Hampshire Wildlife Coalition—will be presenting “The Inconvenient Truths About Coyotes,” a free coyote webinar hosted by Protect Our Wildlife Vermont.

Our work for carnivore conservation continues despite the difficulties imposed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We can’t carry on doing this important work for the wild ones without your help.

Please consider donating in any amount you can ~ and if you contribute now, your dollars will be doubled! As Advisory Board member Peter Coyote announced on March 31, two very generous supporters pledged to match $10,000 each for this double-match campaign ~ and we’re very close to reaching our goal of $20,000!

To those of you who have already donated ~ THANK YOU. To others who want to take advantage of this opportunity to boost your impact, there’s still time ~ the matching campaign lasts until April 30.

Project Coyote is resolute in its mission to protect apex predators and promote coexistence, and we are dedicated to using every dollar wisely to help the wild animals we work to protect.

These are extraordinarily difficult times, and we are all being impacted to some degree—some much more than others. Unfortunately, the cruel and senseless slaughter of our wildlife continues, and because we are committed to continuing our mission to protect the voiceless, we need your help as much as ever. Please consider donating today to support our efforts, knowing that your money will not only be doubled, but will be wisely and effectively spent.

With gratitude,





Camilla H. Fox
Founder & Executive Director

P.S.: With the passage of the new stimulus package there are additional deductions for charitable giving to nonprofits, so check with your tax accountant to see how you can maximize your gift to Project Coyote and other charities you support.