
We’ve been working hard and making strides in our efforts to ban wildlife killing contests (WKCs) in Illinois. On March 12, the Illinois House Agriculture & Conservation Committee passed HB2900 (sponsored by Rep. Moeller), which would prohibit WKCs statewide, by a 6-2 vote. That means the House will be voting on the bill, and could do so as soon as next week!

We are so close to banning WKCs in Illinois and your representatives need to hear from you now more than ever. To achieve our collective goal, we are once again asking you to raise your voice in support of HB2900 today.

Here’s How You Can Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in Illinois:

    Send your House Representative a letter with just one click! Tap the button below:

    Call your Representative to double your impact.

    • Look up your legislator here. Enter your address into the search function and select “State Representative.” Click “website” to find your Representative’s phone number.
    • Use this script when speaking to your legislator’s office:
      • “Hello, my name is _______. I am an Illinois State resident, and I am calling to urge Representative [Insert Representative name] to support HB2900 to ban wildlife killing contests statewide. These contests disregard ecological health and sound management and serve no legitimate wildlife management purpose. Please support HB2900 and protect our state’s wildlife from unethical and unnecessary killing.”
      • Feel free to personalize with these talking points, but keep your comment short, concise and polite. 

    Thank you for your continued support of campaign to End Wildlife Killing Contests in The Prairie State!

    P.S. Share this link with other Illinois residents to help ensure HB2900 passes the House!

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