
West Hollywood, CA – Project Coyote and allies will testify tonight before the West Hollywood City Council in support of the city staff’s recommendation to adopt a coyote coexistence plan that emphasizes a humane and compassionate approach to coyote management.

“We commend West Hollywood’s City Council members for their proactive approach to coexisting with wildlife, including coyotes,” said Randi Feilich, Southern California Representative, Project Coyote. “Our native coyotes provide an invaluable ecological role in helping to control rodent populations and in maintaining ecological integrity and diversity. We look forward to helping West Hollywood adopt and implement the program, with tools and educational resources needed to promote peaceful coexistence with our wildlife, while protecting our pets.”

In 2011, Feilich, with the assistance of Project Coyote, through its Coyote Friendly Communities program—helped to convince her community of Calabasas, California, to adopt a proactive coyote coexistence plan. Project Coyote has subsequently worked with several southern California communities to enact similar programs, teaching people about how to reduce conflicts with coyotes and better understand their ecology and behavior. Most recently, Project Coyote worked with the City of Montebello to implement a proactive Coyote Coexistence Plan that emphasizes public education and outreach as well as consistency in response protocols.

What:     West Hollywood City Council Meeting (Agenda)

When:    October 16, 2017, 6:30 pm

Where:   City of West Hollywood
West Hollywood Park Public Meeting Room – Council Chambers
625 N. San Vicente Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA 90069-5018
Phone: (323) 848-6409


Project Coyote is a national non-profit organization and a North American coalition of scientists, educators, ranchers, and citizen leaders promoting compassionate conservation and coexistence between people and wildlife through education, science and advocacy. Project Coyote seeks to create fundamental and systemic change in the way coyotes and other native carnivores are viewed and treated in North America, and to press for laws and policies that protect them from abuse and mismanagement. We have successfully spearheaded campaigns to end predator mismanagement in the form of trapping, killing contests, poisoning and “penning” at the state and county levels. For more information, visit ProjectCoyote.org.

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