
Wyoming Wolf Action Hub!

A young wolf’s torture and death in Wyoming has sparked national outrage. Here at Project Coyote, we unequivocally condemn the torture and senseless killing of the Wyoming wolf, and invite you to read this thought-provoking Notes From the Field BlogPersecution, torture and senseless death: the grim reality of being a wild carnivore in the US” written by our Science and Ethics Manager, Dr. Fran Santiago-Ávila, who paints a painful picture of the life we lost, and the human systems that continue to allow harm to wild beings to occur, every day.

We can feel the palpable sadness, frustration, and anger of our supporters and the community at large. These feelings are justified, and we are right there with all of you. This is why we’ve set up this Action Page to channel your voices into collective action, so that this wolf may live on in the calls for justice, and inspire fundamental and systemic change for the lives of all wolves. 

Join us in Demanding Justice for Wolves:

1. Sign and Share these Petitions

2. Contact Wyoming State Officials

    Use this letter template, created by our partners at the Wolf Conservation Center, to urge the Wyoming Governor and Director of Wildlife to ban the use of snowmobiles and other motorized vehicles to chase down and kill wolves and other animals.

    Double your impact by calling their offices:

        • Governor Mark Gordon, at 307-777-7434,
        • Wyoming Game and Fish Department Director, Brian Nesvick, at 307-777-4600

    Sample Script:

    Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I’m from [Your City]. I’m calling to express my deep concern over the recent incident where a wolf was chased by a snowmobile, run over and injured, and then publicly paraded and tortured before being killed by Cody Roberts. 

    This unethical and brutal display of animal cruelty was met with a mere $250 penalty, tarnishing the reputation of the state of Wyoming. The $250 penalty for Mr. Roberts’ inhumane treatment of a wild animal is not sufficient— and he must be charged with animal cruelty to ensure that justice is served, and to set the precedent that these heinous acts will be met with harsh consequences. 

    I also strongly urge you to support legislative action to ban wolf & coyote “whacking.” The use of snowmobiles and other motorized vehicles to chase down and kill wolves and coyotes goes far beyond practices of fair chase and is purely cruel and inhuman; it must end. Please take action to ensure this never happens again. Thank you.

    3. Write a Letter for Wolves

    With a rapid news cycle, it’s imperative to keep the Wyoming wolf incident, and our calls for justice and reform in the wake of the incident, in the forefront of the public’s mind. Op-eds and Letters to the Editor are a perfect way to honor the life of this Wyoming wolf and continue the call for justice. 

    4. Contact the Wyoming Office of Tourism

    In the wake of this incident, the Wyoming Office of Tourism has stopped its wildlife tourism advertising and stated it won’t be issuing any public statements regarding the incident. The Office of Tourism has a duty to defend wildlife, especially since its tourism dollars are directly affected by wolves’ presence on the landscape. 

    Join us in emailing the Wyoming Office of Tourism urging them to issue a public statement condemning this incident, and let them know you won’t be visiting and spending tourism dollars in their state until they reform wildlife policies to disallow cruelty and inhumane treatment.

    5. Join the Movement to Protect America’s Wolves

    Follow us on Social Media and Join our e-team for future actions. While we are currently focused on justice for this wolf, our calls for reform must not stop there. The social and institutional systems that underpin this tragedy must change. Collectively, we can create a more compassionate and just world for wild lives, but it will take an unwavering and relentless commitment from all of us to push for fundamental change. Join us in our efforts to Protect America’s Wolves!

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