Raccoons, coyotes, and rats, oh my! Whether you’re in the hills or the city, chances are you’ve encountered some of our abundant wildlife. How do we peacefully coexist, keep our pets safe, and keep wild
As I head to Minneapolis, Minnesota this week for the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, where KILLING GAMES ~ Wildlife In The Crosshairs will have its Minnesota premiere, we’re excited about the momentum building in
We’re glad the agency responsible for the protection of the state’s wildlife is calling for a ban on killing contests for coyotes and other furbearers such as bobcats, foxes and racoons — and we hope
Washington, D.C. – Today is the final day to submit comments on the Trump Administration’s proposal to strip Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection for all gray wolves living in the lower 48 United States, except
Project Coyote is once again partnering with FLOAT.org to offer exclusive Project Coyote T-shirts, tank tops and hoodies featuring our one-of-a-kind BORN TO BE WILD AND FREE ~ End Wildlife Killing Contests designs for one
Every year, Project Coyote recognizes outstanding individuals who have helped promote compassionate conservation and peaceful coexistence on behalf of wild carnivores. These award winners serve as a reminder of the impact each of us can
We know you care about ending cruel and senseless coyote killing contests in Oregon. After your determined efforts to help pass SB 723, the bill to ban these barbaric events statewide, we thought it important
Perhaps no other wild animal has endured the wrath of humans while evoking such genuine heartfelt admiration than the coyote. Some livestock owners curse her existence, many Native Americans consider her the smartest animal on
BISBEE — Though not a total win for wildlife conservation leaders, they are happy with the decision of the Arizona Game and Fish (AzG&F) Commission to ban fees and awards for wildlife killing contests.
Phoenix, AZ – Today the Arizona Game and Fish Commission (AZGF) voted unanimously (4 to 0) to ban wildlife killing contests (WKCs) for predatory and furbearing species in Arizona. For months a coalition comprised of
In a rugged canyon in southern Wyoming, a helicopter drops nets over a pair of coyotes. They're bound, blindfolded and flown to a landing station. There, University of Wyoming researchers place them on a mat.
The conversations were as old as the South Texas brush country in which they occurred, although they could have happened in just about any wild or even marginally feral corner of the state. One side