Ending Wildlife Killing Contests

Contact the Virginia DWR to let them know you support a ban on wildlife killing contests in the state (deadline Dec. 2nd!) Every year, cruel

Speak up to let the ODFW Commission know you support banning coyote killing contests in Oregon Every year, cruel and senseless coyote killing contests are

Speak up to let the IDNR know you support prohibiting WKCs in Illinois Every year, Illinois is home to over a dozen cruel and senseless

Coyotes, foxes, and wolves have been vilified to such an extent that society has been conditioned to believe that carnivores are evil troublemakers, their lives worthless, and that killing them in mass numbers is for
Contact your Representative if they serve on the House Committee on Natural Resources (HNRC) to support support of H.R.7398, which would prohibit wildlife killing contests across America.
Calls for a ban escalate as controversial hunting contests kill more than 60,000 animals a year. Hunting competitions to kill wild animals such as coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes for money and prizes are
Contact your U.S. Representative to ask them to support and co-sponsor HR 7398 to ban wildlife killing contests on public lands!
Today, more than 15 members of Congress introduced legislation that would prohibit wildlife killing contests on more than 500 million acres of U.S. public lands.
Let legislators know that you support banning wildlife killing contests and steel-jaw traps!

For Immediate Release: Nov. 8, 2021 Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners defies science and public sentiment with 5-4 vote The proposed rule, narrowly defeated, would