


Marin Coexisting with Coyotes

Marin Coexisting with Coyotes

Dear Friend of Wildlife, As we enter into coyote pupping season, Project Coyote, along with our Marin Coyote Coalition partners, is offering a free Coexisting with Coyotes webinar. While focused in Marin County, the information and resources provided will be...

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Join the #CaptureCoexistence Campaign!

Join the #CaptureCoexistence Campaign!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new Project Coyote campaign, #CaptureCoexistence, which aims to leverage the power and influence of the nature photography industry by unifying our voices to call for an end to inhumane and ecologically destructive wildlife killing contests (WKCs)!

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Remembering Joan Lamphier

Remembering Joan Lamphier

Remembering Joan Lamphier ~ Project Coyote Advisory Board Member (2013-2022) By Camilla Fox It was with deep sadness that we learned of Project Coyote Advisory Board (AB) member Joan Lamphier’s passing in late November.  Joan served on Project Coyote’s AB for close to...

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