May 6th Deadline ~ Support Protections for Predators in National Wildlife Refuges
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has proposed a rule that would limit predator control across the millions of acres that encompass the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Media Release | Billboards Opposing Wildlife Killing Contests Rise In Illinois
Starting this week, drivers in Illinois will see new billboards along the Interstate 55 corridor (in Logan and Montgomery Counties). Created and funded by Project Coyote,
Media Release | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Deny Endangered Species Act Protections for Northern Rockies Wolves
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced it would not restore Endangered Species Act protections for our nation’s most persecuted wolves in the Northern Rockies.
Media Release | New Film Short: Ecosystem Allies
February 01, 2024 Media Contacts:, 415.945.3232 New Short Film: Ecosystem Allies: Large Carnivores and How They Benefit Us All LARKSPUR, CA — Project Coyote is thrilled to debut a new short film — Ecosystem Allies: Large Carnivores & How...
Media Release | Gov. Hochul signs historic bill to end wildlife killing contests
Today Gov. Kathy Hochul signed critical legislation ending wildlife killing contests for coyotes, foxes, bobcats, squirrels, raccoons, crows and other species in New York. New York is the tenth state to end these gruesome competitions after Oregon took action to do so in September.
Media Release | Bureau of Land Management Bans Use of Cyanide Bombs
Project Coyote welcomed a decision announced on November 22nd by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that will stop the use of M-44 devices – also known as cyanide bombs – on 245 million acres of BLM managed lands.
Media Release | Legal Petition Urges USDA to Adopt Comprehensive Regulatory Framework for Wildlife Services Program
Project Coyote, alongside coalition allies, submitted a petition for rulemaking to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA), urging the agency for a comprehensive regulatory framework to govern the Wildlife Services program to ensure consistency with all relevant laws and policies.
Demand a Scientific and Ethical Wisconsin Wolf Plan
Demand a Scientific and Ethical Wisconsin Wolf PlanSign up before October 19th to advocate for Wisconsin’s Wolves On October 25th, the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board (WNRB) will be voting to approve the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources revised Wolf...
Media Release | Oregon Becomes Ninth State to Prohibit Wildlife Killing Contests
Today, we achieved a momentous VICTORY for Oregon’s wildlife! The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission just voted (X-X) to ban wildlife killing contests statewide, which makes Oregon the ninth state to ban these egregious and ecologically destructive contests.
Media Release | Wildlife Advocacy Organizations Condemn Wisconsin Wolf Policy
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 12, 2023 Media Contacts: Francisco J. Santiago-Ávila, 608.285.2738, Melissa Smith, 608.234.8860, Paul Collins, 608.566.9850, Wildlife Advocacy...
Wisconsin’s wolf and wildlife policy is unscientific, unethical and racist
Wisconsin's wolf and wildlife policy is unscientific, unethical, and racist The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) recently released their updated Wolf Management Plan (WMP), which will guide all management and efforts related to wolves in the...
MEDIA RELEASE | Only Four Collared Wild Mexican Gray Wolves Survive in Mexico
Conservationists sent a letter to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today warning about the severely low numbers of Mexican gray wolves in Mexico. The agency relies on the Mexican population of wolves as a buttress against extinction in the United States.
MEDIA RELEASE | More Than 150,000 Americans Call on Biden Adminstration to Fully Restore Endangered Species Act
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - August 21, 2023 Media Contacts:, 415.945.3232 More than 150,000 people call on Biden Administration to Fully Restore Endangered Species Act Public comment period concludes for proposed rulemakings on how Fish and Wildlife...
MEDIA RELEASE | New York Moves to Become Ninth State to Ban Wildlife Killing Contests
Today, New York legislators passed a bill (S.4099/A.2917) to ban cruel and ecologically destructive wildlife killing contests in New York.
MEDIA RELEASE | Asha, wandering Mexican wolf captured near Taos last winter, returned to wild
Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that it has returned
Asha, Mexican wolf #2754, to the wilds of Arizona.
MEDIA RELEASE | Government Agents Kill Endangered Mexican Gray Wolf Father, Threatening Pack’s Survival
An endangered Mexican gray wolf has been killed in New Mexico by federal employees, according to a document released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Speak Out For Colorado’s Future Wolves!
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is currently taking comments on a proposed federal 10(j) management rule, which will manage the wolves likely reintroduced into Colorado later this year.
Nevada Residents: Speak up for Wildlife in Nevada!
Nevada is one of the last states among its neighbors that still allow bobcats, coyotes, foxes and other wildlife to be targeted in cruel and senseless wildlife killing contests, in which participants compete to kill the most, the largest, or even the smallest animals solely for cash and prizes. Let legislators know that you support AB102!