MEDIA RELEASE | Government Agents Kill Endangered Mexican Gray Wolf Father, Threatening Pack’s Survival
An endangered Mexican gray wolf has been killed in New Mexico by federal employees, according to a document released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
How Art Could Save the World- the Role of Design in Communication
How Art Could Save the World - the Role of Design in Communication Hi! I’m Jess Bock and this past summer I was a design intern here at Project Coyote. I’ve been passionate about art my whole life, and have tried every medium that crosses my path (and have been better...
Speak Out For Colorado’s Future Wolves!
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is currently taking comments on a proposed federal 10(j) management rule, which will manage the wolves likely reintroduced into Colorado later this year.
Nevada Residents: Speak up for Wildlife in Nevada!
Nevada is one of the last states among its neighbors that still allow bobcats, coyotes, foxes and other wildlife to be targeted in cruel and senseless wildlife killing contests, in which participants compete to kill the most, the largest, or even the smallest animals solely for cash and prizes. Let legislators know that you support AB102!
Spring 2023
Our newsletter has a new, refreshed look! We hope you’ll enjoy reading our updates and accomplishments from our six core program areas, learning a seasonal coexistence tip, and perusing our announcements and recent publications from our team.
Montana Residents: Speak Out Against HB 372!
Today we need your help opposing one of the most egregious bills introduced this session, HB 372, a proposed constitutional amendment to make trapping, hunting, and fishing constitutional rights.
Vote in the Wisconsin Conservation Congress’ 2023 Open House elections and Spring Hearing
Support wildlife friendly delegates and resolutions banning wildlife killing contests and promoting coexistence this April!
Celebrate National Coyote Day with the Project Coyote Pack!
Today is special; it’s National Coyote Day! The coyote, also known as a songdog or prairie wolf, is unlike any other species in North America.
Statement from Project Coyote regarding the loss of dogs to wolves in Colorado
We are deeply saddened by the deaths of Cisco and Blaze caused by wolves last week, and want to extend our sincere condolences to their human and nonhuman families. Most of us at Project Coyote have beloved dog family members, and these incidents touch us intimately.
MEDIA RELEASE | Bill to prohibit wildlife killing contests in Nevada heads to first committee
Bill to prohibit wildlife killing contests in NV heads to first committee. Legislation would end organized contests without affecting hunting and angling
MEDIA RELEASE | Another Wild Wolf Killed in New York, Radio-Isotope Test Confirms
Conservation groups announced today that testing by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Museum revealed that a wolf killed in upstate New York in 2021 was eating a wild diet and was a wild wolf.
Nevada Residents: Protect Wildlife in Nevada!
Every year, Nevada’s bobcats, coyotes and foxes are targeted in cruel and senseless wildlife killing contests, in which participants compete to kill the most, the largest, or even the smallest animals solely for cash and prizes.