


New York Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests Statewide!

New York Residents: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests Statewide!

Every year, cruel and ecologically destructive wildlife killing contests are held throughout New York. These contests violate science-based wildlife management principles, promote the indiscriminate killing of wildlife, and award cash and other prizes to the individuals who kill the most, largest or even smallest animals. Luckily, Assemblymember Glick and Senator Kennedy introduced A2917/S4099 to prohibit these contests statewide.

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Red River War by M. Walker

Red River War by M. Walker

Red River War: An Instrumental Journey Through the Last Major Conflict on the Southern Plains By M. Walker  About a year ago, I joined the Project Coyote team via the Artists For Wild Nature program, introduced myself, shared a unique conceptual instrumental album I...

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Nevada Residents: Speak up for Wildlife in Nevada!

Nevada Residents: Speak up for Wildlife in Nevada!

Nevada is one of the last states among its neighbors that still allow bobcats, coyotes, foxes and other wildlife to be targeted in cruel and senseless wildlife killing contests, in which participants compete to kill the most, the largest, or even the smallest animals solely for cash and prizes. Let legislators know that you support AB102!

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Spring 2023

Spring 2023

Our newsletter has a new, refreshed look! We hope you’ll enjoy reading our updates and accomplishments from our six core program areas, learning a seasonal coexistence tip, and perusing our announcements and recent publications from our team.

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